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Bad driving habits

Bad driving habits

Bad driving habits

Most of us have lost patience while behind the wheel but what are the worst behaviours we’ve seen? Those that make us lose our temper each and every time?

Here is the list of the most common driving “don’ts”:

Those who follow too closely

There is no feeling more unpleasant and stressful than feeling the vehicle following us put pressure on us to move forward!

Not only is this behavior on the verge of intimidation, but it creates unnecessary anxiety because it leaves us with very little reaction time for any urgent maneuver.

Those who drive slower than the traffic

You’ve probably noticed, it’s the speed of all traffic that influences our own speed, and it usually goes well beyond the allowable limit.

It goes without saying that a driver who drives at a speed below the limit will automatically affect the flow of traffic and cause some frustration.

Those who think they are alone on the road

We regularly see people zigzagging through traffic, vehicles that decide to brake at the last minute, make their turns without signaling, who leave no chance to integrate the traffic at an onramp or who don’t let people through to take an exit on the highway…

It’s as if, in their driving course, they never learned to anticipate other drivers’ maneuvers or to communicate their own intentions. We all should know that this is part of safe practices to avoid an accident!

Those who have frozen reflexes

When they are at the front of the line, it is common to see some distracted drivers decide to move forward only seconds after the light has gone green. Of course, this prevents the following vehicles from being able to engage, which waste time unnecessarily.

Another case … Drivers you want to let in, but who are so slow to understand and react that the maneuver becomes almost dangerous at the moment it occurs.

It would be fair to say that we are all different in our skills and the way we drive, but still quite similar in terms of our level of patience and tolerance. What do you think?

Jackie Beaudoin, Leclerc Insurance and Financial Services