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VR - Au secours, fissures en vue!

RV – Help, cracking in sight!

VR - Au secours, fissures en vue!

All new RV owners soon realize that the caulking and sealants of their new acquisition have a certain lifespan and that this lifespan depends on the conditions to which the RV is exposed.

We are referring here to UV rays, extreme temperatures and the movements that the structure has to bear when the trailer or the motorhome are on the road. Eventually, cracking may start to appear, allowing water in.


The best way to avoid this is by getting in the habit of inspecting the RV and cleaning it properly. Dirt often prevents you from seeing the deterioration of the sealant.

But, first and foremost, always make sure you have the right products and there is no better place than your RV dealer to properly advise you.

Do not ever use silicone caulking on an RV roof. Not only will you have trouble applying it, but it’s almost impossible to remove.


In addition to being constantly exposed to UV rays, the roof also collects animal droppings and tree sap which will eventually eat away at the membrane.

It is therefore important to be vigilant and, after cleaning the roof, many dealers recommend using a product such as Lap Sealant for rubberized roof membranes.

Available in a variety of colors, it is self leveling. It will settle into any nooks and crannies, providing good protection against water infiltration.


Each corner seam of your unit must be, without exception, carefully inspected. Putty sealant is used under the moulding, and the edges are then finished with caulking. This is also true of any area where a hole has been cut into the RV (storage compartments, roof vents, windows and doors).

Unless you feel comfortable up on your roof, leave it to the pros. After all, one does not mess with water infiltration!

Jackie Beaudoin, Leclerc Insurance and Financial Services
Source: RVCare.ca