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Watch out, deer and moose in sight!

Watch out, deer and moose in sight!

Watch out, deer and moose in sight!

An important source of stress for all motorists is the risk of encountering a deer or a moose, especially when driving on country roads.  This is one surprise that is always very unpleasant.

The most common months for sightings are June / July and October / November .  However you should always stay alert when driving on country.  This even when not driving in the months where sightings are most common. The same goes for the times of day to watch out for – dawn and dusk.

According to the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, there were 6,235 collisions with deer and 575 with moose, caribou and bears in 2017.

The largest number is found in the Eastern Townships but all regions are affected: Gaspésie, Centre-du Québec, Montérégie, etc.

How to avoid the worst if you cross a deer or a moose

A deer and a moose can decide to cross a road at any time, so here are some tips that can help you avoid the worst:

  • Always keep your seat belt on.
  • Decrease your speed around a road where moose sightings are signalled. Especially, at night.
  • Always scan the road as far as possible.
  • Make sure your headlights and windshield are clean.
  • If a collision seems inevitable, stay on course, and use your horn. Unfortunately, it is better to hit a moose than to try to avoid it. Most serious injuries or deadly accidents occur when the car leaves the road to avoid the animal and ends up in a tree.
  • Activate the emergency signals to warn the next vehicle of the danger.

If you see a deer on the side of the road, there are others nearby as they always move in groups.  As their behavior is unpredictable, it is always best to slow down and pay extra attention.

Jackie Beaudoin, Leclerc Insurance and Financial Services
Sources :  La Presse  InfoAssurance