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Pourquoi il est important de planifier ses vacances

Why it is important to plan your vacation

Pourquoi il est important de planifier ses vacances

If you are « the last minute » type of person and you feel some guilt, comfort yourself! It seems that you are not the only ones.

In fact, the majority of us do a lot of procrastination when it comes to planning vacations and that’s why we often find ourselves experiencing some disappointment when we discover that « it has gone fast and, to be honest, one hasn’t done anything interesting ».

Basically, it’s not complicated, we have to choose between idleness and adventure.

If our need is to get as much as possible away from any form of schedules and obligations, it is better not to plan and go on a day-to-day basis.

If our need is to change the air and get out of the routine, it is better to make a plan because we must not forget that we are thousands to go on vacation at the same time each year and that the activities and places interesting can only accommodate a number of us.

Thus, we must learn to book early, especially if we consider the rental of camping sites, hotel rooms and cottages. Some people even do it a year in advance!

Here are some useful links if you are one of those who have not yet planned their holidays.

For camping sites :

For hotel rooms:

For cottages:

For homes and apartments:

Jackie Beaudoin, Leclerc Insurance and Financial Services